Apple WWDC 1996
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MacOS 8 Resources
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ResEdit™ 3.0d1
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TEXT_2001_VDL help.txt
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Text File
159 lines
VDL Help
VDL Grammar
VDLProgram ::= Statement*
Statement ::= CommandName [ “(” [Parameters] “)” ] “;”
| “Layout” [ “(” [ViewOpts] “)” ] Body
| “HList” [ “(” [ListOpts] “)” ] Body
| “VList” [ “(” [ListOpts] “)” ] Body
| “DynamicHList” “(” AttrSpec, TypeName [“,” DLOpts] “)” Statement
| “DynamicVList” “(” AttrSpec, TypeName [“,” DLOpts] “)” Statement
| “Switch” “(” AttrSpec [“,” ViewOpts] “)” SwitchBody
| “Margin” “(“ Parameters “)” Statement
| “Label” “(“ Parameters “)” Statement
| “Tag” “(” string “)” Statement
Body ::= Statement “;”
| “{” Statement* “}”
SwitchBody ::= “{” SwitchEntry* “}”
SwitchEntry ::= SwitchLabel+ Statement
SwitchLabel ::= “case” number “:”
| “default” “:”
Parameters ::= Parameter
| ViewOpts
| Parameter “,” Parameters
Parameter ::= AttrSpec | Expression | string
Expression ::= (as in EDL, but must be a constant expression)
ViewOpts ::= ViewOption
| ViewOption “,” ViewOpts
ViewOption ::= “Width” “=” Parameter | “UseParent”
| “Height” “=” Parameter | “UseParent”
| “Left” “=” Parameter
| “Top” “=” Parameter
| “BackColor” “=” “{” Parameter “,” Parameter “,”
Parameter “}”
| “Alignment” “=” (“Left” | “Right” | “Center”)
ListOpts ::= ListOption
| ListOption “,” ListOpts
ListOption ::= “HScroll” | “VScroll” | ViewOption
DLOpts ::= DLOption
| DLOption “,” DLOpts
DLOption ::= “EditHandles” | ListOption
AttrSpec ::= AttrName AttrSuffix*
| “*” AttrSuffix+
AttrSuffix ::= “.” AttrName
CommandName ::= identifier ;see below for a list of commands
TypeName ::= identifier ;name of an element type
AttrName ::= identifier ;attribute name in some element
Command summary
Layout [options]
HList [options]
VList [options]
DynamicHList(attrName, entryTypeName [, options])
DynamicVList(attrName, entryTypeName [, options])
Switch(attrName [, options])
case <number>:
Margin(left, top, right, bottom [, frameStyle, frameLoc , options])
Label(string, style [, options])
EditText(attrName [, filter] [, options]);
Signed(bitCount) - bitCount can be 1-32
Unsigned(bitCount) - bitCount must be 8, 16, or 32
UnsignedHex(bitCount) - bitCount must be 8, 16, or 32
Fixed(x.y) - A signed fixed-point value. x and y
must sum to either 16 or 32.
UnsignedFixed(x.y) - Similarly, for unsigned values.
Chars(charCount) - A character string. charCount must be 1, 2, or 4.
Date - A standard Macintosh date value.
Options for EditText Label:
Label = Literal String
LabelWidth = Integer
LabelAlignment = [Left, Right or Center]
The last two Label options will be ignored if the “Label” option is missing.
Additional Optional params for EditText:
These params have no values, simply put the param name in the optional parameter list
to signify a value of “true”, and leave it out for “false”:
SingleLine - Make the edit text be 1 line tall, no matter how much text is in it.
FlushImmediately - Flush edit changes to the data after every keystroke.
DropOnReturn - drop the text selection as soon as a return key is hit.
NoSmartQuotes - only use quotes from Yogi Berra
NoFrame - don’t draw the 1 pixel frame and 2 pixel margin around the text.
EditHex(attrName, resizable, columnCount, [, options]);
CheckBox(title, attrName [, options]);
RadioButton(title, attrName, value [, options]);
PushButton(title, attribute, actionProcName);
DefaultButton(title, attribute, actionProcName);
CancelButton(title, attribute, actionProcName);
BooleanPopup(title, titleWidth [, options])
BoolItem(itemTitle, attrName); ;repeated one or more times
IntegerPopup(title, titleWidth, attrName [, options])
IntItem(itemTitle, itemValue); ;repeated one or more times
ElementPopup( title, listAttr, itemNameAttr, selAttr, titleWidth [, options] );
FontPopup(title, titleWidth, attrName [, options]);
StaticText (param [, options]);
EditorButton("title", elementField, "VDL Name", "Title Prefix");
PICT(id [, options]);
ICON(id [, options]);
ics4(id [, options]);
ics8(id [, options]);
Spacer [(options)];
//Note: cicns from the working resource file will not be displayed, only cicns in the
//far application itself will appear,
cicn(id, options);
PopupColorControl(redAttr, greenAttr, blueAttr [,options])
ColorItem(red, green, blue); ;repeated one or more times
ColorControl(redAttr, greenAttr, blueAttr [,options]);
DefaultPopupColorControl(redAttr, greenAttr, blueAttr [,options]);
View options
Width = Expression | “UseParent”
Height = Expression | “UseParent”
Left = Expression
Top = Expression
BackColor = {redvalue,greenvalue,bluevalue}
Alignment = Left | Right | Center